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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help buying skates that cannot be fitted

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Hi Everyone

I need some assistance please. I am looking to purchase new bauer skates, but I am very worried about sizing. There is no hockey shop in my country that stocks Bauer, so I cannot go and fit the skates. These are the skates I have owned before, and foot measurements:

first pair: Reebok 3k size 7, these were too small and hurt my feet, but I still used them

second pair: Bauer vapor x:02, size 8 if I can remember correctly. I fit these, back when we still had one Bauer dealer in the country. I only skated with them twice and they got stolen along with my car, so I am not sure, the fit seemed fairly good, but maybe a tad long in the front. however perfect in the heel.

current pair: CCM u+ 04 size 7. I am not entirely sure how I feel about these skates, they feel like they fit, but I need to lace them extremely tight to get the correct support.

My feet measurements I took:

length : 26.1 cm
Width 10.4 cm

These might be bad measurements, as I am not too great with these kinds of things, but I did follow the video instructions.

What worries me is that it indicates that I am a size 7 in both Bauer vapor/supreme and CCM when using most charts. This does not sound right to me, and I am afraid of going through all the Hassle to get the skates here and they are too small.

I am looking at purchasing either the Bauer Vapor x60, or the Supreme one 6 skates.

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated.

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