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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Vapor 6.0/7.0/APX skates

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During the winter months I play a lot of hockey outside so I've been looking to buy a second pair of skates as an upgrade to my skates (6.0s) so I don't have to keep switching out steel for indoors to outdoors. I've found some great deals on the two year old 7.0 and APX skates, but the 6.0s are also at a great price. Are the 7.0s worth the extra money or should I save cash and get another pair of 6.0s? Are the APXs worth considering if I'm not playing pro hockey? I play 3 days a week inside and am looking to join a second team coming up so it might turn to 4-5 days a week. I weigh in at 230 pounds if that helps. I know it's probably a shot in the dark finding somebody who has used two let alone all three but I figure I'd ask.

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If you already play 3 times and will play 4-5 and weight 230 pounds I believe you can go for the APX but use them just for inside so you don't ruin them outside.

You'll get plenty of stiffness compared to 6.0 but by the amount of playing and weight it shouldn't be a big deal.

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There are only subtle differences in materials between the 6.0 and 7.0 . So if you like your 6.0 , stick with the 6.0. As for the APX , it has a bit of a different fit than the 6.0 and 7.0, if Im not mistaken.

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I have read about the fit differences. The 6.0s could use a bit more width but I am locked in good. The wides were just too wide tho. The idea of this is to have a pair to use indoors and my old 6s would be outside skates, the ponds and backyard rinks kill the steel.

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