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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Skate punching/stretching in downtown MTL or North Shore?

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Any Montrealers know of a good place to get skates baked/punched/stretched in downtown MTL or on the North Shore? My usual places on the North Shore all refuse to stretch skates lengthwise...

Related question: Is it possible to punch and stretch mid-level Grafs? I have the 535s.

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Hockey Experts? Source for Sports? Sports Rousseau?

What do you mean by refused? What was thier reasoning?

Hockey Experts and Sports Rousseau said they just won't do it. They say it damages the skate. Plus, my local Hockey Experts doesn't even have all the proper tools/machines.

Oh and there's no Source for Sports where I live (North Shore) or where I go to school (downtown MTL). Closest one is Fraser's, and that's pretty far. And in any case, if I understand stretching correctly, I'd have to make two trips: one to drop off the skates for the night, and one to pick them up after at least a night of stretching.

EDIT: Guy on PHEW suggested Au Becycle sport, a small local shop. Going to ring them up tomorrow..

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