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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hockey at work?

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I'm a student soon to be working in IT. I keep it a personal secret of mine but if a job offer comes my way from a university or college up north with a rink on campus that has faculty ice time available I will be completely biased in that direction.

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Winter intramurals started today. 49 teams registered for this session. We are the only employee team, the rest are college students. We won 9-1 today. We are defending summer league champs but have never won the winter league. One thing I can tell you for sure, college kids hate to lose to old guys.

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At the university where I work, we have floor hockey once a week at lunch with a puck and plastic bandy sticks.

I'm the only guy that plays ice, or even roller, so we use a lot of field hockey rules. It drives me nuts stopping play each time the puck hits someone's feet.

On the plus side, I laugh at the guys who wear shin pads - it's an old squishy orange floor puck for crying out loud! I just tell about the time I blocked a proper puck to the nuts and it shattered my cup (I leave out the part where the shot was from a teammate)!

Still not bad for the UK.

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Winter intramurals started today. 49 teams registered for this session. We are the only employee team, the rest are college students. We won 9-1 today. We are defending summer league champs but have never won the winter league. One thing I can tell you for sure, college kids hate to lose to old guys.

Since you're from London, I thought I'd add, I was at a stick and puck this morning (skipping work to get some ice time) and one of the guys had a Habs jersey on. I'm a Habs fan and you don't meet many here in the states, so, I started talking to him. Turns out he played for the Knights back when I was in high school in St. Thomas. Hockey makes the world a small place sometimes.

Regarding hockey and work, I'm faculty at a U in the states. We don't have on campus hockey, but I played on a rec with some IT guys from my school. One of the other teams in the league was comprised entirely of IT people or their friends from our school. I now play for another team sponsored by Barracuda networks, again, comprised of several former IT people from my school. Weird... I didn't meet these people through my school, just got thrown on the first team when I joined the league. I didn't realize how many IT people were in hockey. I'm sure it's just an oddball biased sample though. Anyway, on occasion, there is an on campus "lake", that freezes and earlier this winter, we played on it a couple times. It wasn't actually while classes were in session though, so, it doesn't really count as hockey at "work".

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I'm fortunate enough to play several times a week during work hours. It's military hockey, so sometimes it's games, practices, or pick-up.

Out in Edmonton, same deal. Our Practice / scrimmage schedule is all during work hours:

Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday mornings for 1 1/2 hour.

Friday afternoon for 3 hours.

Games usually once or twice a week in the inter unit league but those are between 4 and 9pm. Also the entire bases shuts down for a week in Jan for a sports competition and ice hockey is the crown jewel of that. Usually you play once or twice a day depending on how deep your team makes it.

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My old co-worker told me that Compuware in Detroit has a ball hockey league that runs during lunch time. Supposedly it is pretty competitive and intense too. I wish I had that in my office during lunch or even after work.

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