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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Help: Bauer One.8 Pant vs. Easton Stealth RS Pant

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I am not quite too sure which one to pick. I'm looking for a pant that fits anatomically, but is also mobile. I'd also like something with a good amount of protection. Please lend me your wisdom towards which pant to choose. Thanks to all.

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Anatomical and mobile are not words I would use to describe the Stealth RS. It feels very protective but bulky at the same time. I like the materials used in the construction of the pant but I'm not a fan of the 6 pack protector and the straps. The method Easton uses to tighten these pants is very difficult and the stitching keeping these straps in place have a tendency to break.

As for the ONE.8 pant it is definitely more anatomical and mobile. I recently purchased a new pair of pants and decided to go with the Nexus 1000 because it fits snug to the body but felt it offered a bit more protection. After wearing the pants for a handful of times I wish I went with the Nexus 800 or Bauer Supreme ONE80 (if you can still find them) instead. The solid piece of plastic on both sides of the kidney guards on the Nexus 1000 are a bit stiff and do not contour to the body as well as the Nexus 800/ONE80. The ab and spine protector on the Nexus pants also come up very high so I had to remove the extra ab and lower back pieces attached to my shoulder pads.

The new Reebok pants (18K and 20K) felt very similar as well but with shorter ab and spine pieces. I didn't go with Reebok in the end because I felt the quality of the nylon shell and design of the belt was not as good as the Bauer.

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