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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Mid-Range Glove Issue

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Hey everyone,

I'm currently in a pair of Graf G-45 gloves, coming from a pair of Sher-Wood T-70 gloves before that. Both are what I would consider mid-range gloves ($60 for the Grafs when I bought them). I love the fit of the Grafs and the way they function, however, like the Sher-Woods, I'm having a problem with the comfort liner (or whatever it is) that rests against the top of the hand inside the glove coming loose, especially in the fingers and getting bunched up and wrapped around my fingers. Its maddening. I'm wondering if anyone else has run into this problem and how you fixed it (if you did). I'm also wondering if this same sort of issue affects gloves higher up on the product scale. If I were to save up for a better pair of gloves, would I run into this same issue? For what it's worth, I do dry my stuff after every use.

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yes, very annoying

I have a pr of Graf 700s which I luv for fit and feel. But as soon as my hands get a little sweaty, the freakin comfort liner pulls out when I pull out my hand.

I was thinkin to add some velcro on the backing, but how to fasten it, maybe sew... not sure. Problem is the thumb backing also is part of that comfort liner and even if I fasten the portion which covers the back of hand, the thumb section will still pull out. Putting a piece of velcro behind the thumb section seems just a bit too sketchy...

Sadly, as nice as the Grafs are, I've relegated them to 'sticktime only' use... and have fallen back onto 30 yr old CCM Pro-stock until I can find another pr with the snug fit I like... Likely gonna be one of the new 'anatomical' fit gloves - when I can get anywhere near shops with a little selection.

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