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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Which skate between a vapor or supreme would be best for my foot ?

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Hey guys Im picking skates and I have came up to a bauer supreme model or a vapor model , the problem is that I don't have a hockey store in my whole country that sells bauer skates , so could u guys go from my foot and try help me ?

My heel width - 2.9"

Mid Foot width - 3.6"

Forefoot width - 3.11"

I come from a ccm U+10 midnight skate model but I have space throughout the boot like my arch , heel and forefoot

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Trace your feet on to a piece of paper using a mechanical pencil (try to keep the pencil vertical and let it run around the foot) while sitting on a chair with a bent knee. Then measure the longest distance across the mid-foot and measure the heel to longest toe. Here is sample of my feet:



For reference, my measurements are Left: 7¾-C/D and Right: 7¼-D/E. (Supreme is about 1 size wider than Vapor. So, Supreme C=>Vapor D, Supreme D=>Vapor EE)

You can compare your results to this chart (I went in to my LHS to try on skates, and from my experience, this chart seems pretty accurate): http://www.dickssportinggoods.com/info/index.jsp?categoryId=698584#13

Unfortunately, there aren't any current width sizing charts for the skates, so you'll have to either get measured by a shoe store or, as a last resort, guess based on my measurements.

Just note that CCM/Reebok line tend to have a deeper boot, while Bauer is shallower. So, unfortunately, that may hinder you from fitting inside a boot correctly as well!

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Just wanted to add that apparently this will help with width: http://hockeytutorial.com/skating-tips/ice-hockey-skate-sizing-chart-width-and-length/

Take your foot length and divide it by the mid-foot width. So, in my case, Left: 1012in ÷ 378in= 2.71in, and Right: 1038in ÷ 4in= 2.59in. Cross referencing my past experience with this chart, it seems that it's fairly accurate to the Supreme line. My right foot has been much too small for a Supreme C-width skate, while a Supreme D-width has worked okay for both feet.

C - above 2.7in

D - between 2.7in - 2.6in

E - between 2.6in- 2.5in

EE - below 2.5in

Note: To my knowledge Bauer doesn't offer E-width skates, however, I believe their EE-width is equivalent to an E-width. However, that standard changes as you move through the line: Vapor (narrow), Supreme (wide), Nexus (widest). In other words, a Vapor EE is no where near as wide as a Nexus EE.

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