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CCM pant fit comparison

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What pants out there from Bauer, Easton and Warrior are most similar to the current CCM U+ line. I'm looking for a short, wide generous fit. I found the Reebok pants to be too long.

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CCM is shorter than Bauer for what I tried (used both L size for One60 and now CCM U+12), I don't know how this compare to RBK though.

Fit is pretty comfortable, but I won't say it's wide though (if you don't open up the zippers of course).

Bauer supreme pants fit was bigger for sure on the leg, though being longer was causing me issues with kneepad overlapping that I don't have anymore now.

From what I see on teammates you could find Warrior pants useful to your cause, they look wider and short enough in my opinion, but it's just what I see since I've never tried them.

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CCM is shorter than Bauer for what I tried (used both L size for One60 and now CCM U+12), I don't know how this compare to RBK though.

Fit is pretty comfortable, but I won't say it's wide though (if you don't open up the zippers of course).

Bauer supreme pants fit was bigger for sure on the leg, though being longer was causing me issues with kneepad overlapping that I don't have anymore now.

From what I see on teammates you could find Warrior pants useful to your cause, they look wider and short enough in my opinion, but it's just what I see since I've never tried them.

I've only tried CCM, Bauer and Reebok pants. I own a pair of CL pants, they are shorter compared to Reebok or the Bauer Nexus and Vapor lines. The Nexus pants fit like the old Supremes, those are probably the widest of the bunch. I use the TotalOne girdle most of the time but the draw to the CL pants for me was they wear a lot like the girdle in terms of keeping things tighter to the body (provided keeping the zippers closed) and weight.

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