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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Roller Hockey in GTA

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Hello Boys,

The 2014 AIHL Hockey season is quickly approaching.

I thought I would give you guys an update as what is going on.

The Jerseys have been ordered and the floor time has been booked.

We will have 8 teams again this year.

The season will consist of 15 regular season games and 5 playoff games.

The season will start April 10, 2014 to Aug 21, 2014.

Game times will remain the same: 7:00pm




The first week as always will be shinny.

The captains will then give me a list of 5 top picks, of which I will only guarantee 3 to be on the team.

I will then split the rest of the players up to make all teams as even as I can (on paper).

As we all know sometimes what’s on paper doesn’t always work with what’s on the floor. Trades will be made after the 3rd week to even out the teams if necessary.

Payments can be made by Cash or Cheque(please make it out to Arie Fleischer).

Cost is $300/player before March 1rst, $325 after.

Active Kids Zone

951 Alness Street


M3J 2J1


Monday to Wednesday 10am to 3pm

Thursday CLOSED

Friday 10am to 3pm

Saturday and Sunday 10am to 8pm

We will be open from 9am to 5pm during the March break.(March 7th to the March 14th).

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