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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Reebok 30k Same as 18k Skates? Need Advice.

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Hey guys, I need some advice. I had decided I wanted to buy some Reebok 18k skates then saw the 30k and love the way they look. Are they basically the same skate? What concerns me is the price. The 30k is coming out at $399 while the 18k are on sale for that price. Which one should I get?

Also, would it be worth the extra money to get the 20ks on sale/clearance? I play beer league a couple times a week but I'm a pretty elite skater :facepalm:

I'm currently skating in Easton RS'sss. They fit well but are a half size too large.

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According to IW the 30k is the 18k replacement. 30k is going to have the newer quarter package and the new holder+runner however I think some of the materials in the 18k are better.

For example the outsole and footbed appear better on the 18k, the linear is also different. Personally I'd get the 30k to have the new features and holder but really you can't go wrong either way.

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