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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hot Shots or Hornets

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As the title reads. If anyone has experienced them both, I was wondering if there was a dramatic difference in performance between the two levels of Rink Rat wheels. If it makes a difference in durability, I am 6' 190. Any help is much appreciated.


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My son started with the Hornets, and the second series works so well, that he would be afraid to change to anything less in case they weren't as good. Installed his second set in first week of January, and he plays and practices on Sport Court twice a week, and pick up once a week, plus the odd tournament....They still grip as well, if not better than when they were new. His reaction when first trying the Rink Rat Hornets...."like skating on ice with an edge"

He is a very aggressive skater in PIHA and MLRH, so he puts wheels to the test. He tore up a set of brand new Green Dynasties the first time he used them on Sport Court, 2003 trinities lasted about 3 - 5 weeks, and the 2004 Trinities about the 4 - 6 weeks for him. Milleniums 2- 3 weeks before they start to lose grip...not necessarily any visible deterioration, just less grip. Understand that is not to say that everyone will see the same life from, or failures of, those wheels, it's just what we have seen...over the years of trying for maximum performance. We may have a few hundred "old wheels" lying around which he uses for wood, or for friends who need wheels occasionally.

From what I've heard the Hot Shots are still as good or better than anything else out there, and 30 - 40% less expensive than the Hornets. If the "Hype" about the Hot Shots is as accurate as the Hype about the Hornets..I would certainly give them a try.

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So I received my hot shots during the week (btw: props to the exceptional customer service from Frank at Rink Rat) and found time to try them out on sport court this weekend. With respect to grip they are everything the promised to be. The biggest difference was the effect they had on my stride, when I used gripper lites I could never make full skating strides because the wheels would always slip out at the kick of my stride but these wheels gripped beautifully. They also gripped well in turns and made turning feel almost as if i was carving. My only negative initial impression I got was that although they gripped well they felt a bit mushy and slowed down my foot speed and top speed. However, this was also the first time I played roller since last summer so my impressions may be skewed from what i remember of inline skating last year and the ice skating Ive been doing in between. I am now very curious to experience how Hornets compare to the hot shots, unfortunately I probably won't need new wheels for another year.

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