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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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easton mako pants problems

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recently bought these for my son after he took a spill w/ his first pair (easton eq 30) as they didn't offer enough protection.

the protection and slim fit are wonderful on these pants....but one thing that my son hates about them is that he can't get the belt tight enough to stay up w/o really tightening the laces on the jock

here's the deal....the belt is integrated (and it's not really a belt) and it really doesn't allow you to make a really tight adjustable fit. it looks like pull tabs and adjust a fit..but it only goes so far...zero sliding action like in the cheaper eq30 pant.. and before anyone says it, the pants are sized properly...

has anybody else come across this problem?..

should i just get him a replacement belt and insert it over the tabs on the pants now?..i really don;t know if i can lace it through the pants...

i'm pretty disappointed in this part of the pants, and have even contacted easton for advice. but they didn't even respond back

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