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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Warrior Covert DT1 LT's LH

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I have two 2013 Warrior Covert DT1 and one 2014 Warrior Covert DT1 LT. They are all non-grip (Clear) LH 85 flex Zetterberg curves.

One has been used in like 3 men's league games, one 1 men's league game, and the 2014 has been used for like 3 minutes in warm ups. I got one for a deal, then went back and bought the other two because I liked the one so much. That said, coming from an Iginla curve I just couldn't get used to the Zetterberg so I'm going to give the Burrows curve a whirl. They're all uncut, and there is like 3 scratch/scuff's on one but they're very minor and by no means impact the stick whatsoever.

the 2013's I'll let go for $110 shipped each, the 2014 I'll let go for $150 shipped. That said, I'll sell all 3 for $350 shipped.

PM me if you have questions.

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