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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Can you find the lie of pro stock sticks?

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I've been watching ebay and other places lately for decent deals on sticks, usually pro stock, but the trouble is that even when I find a good deal on a high end stick, I have no idea what lie the stick has.

Im more sensitive to having the correct lie than I am to the actual curve pattern. I've found that if the lie is higher than 5, I have more trouble controlling pucks.

I mean, I can usually see from the photo whether its a curve I can use or not, but is there any way to determine the lie on these sticks? I realize that these are custom sticks and can change from one batch to another for a specific player, but wondering if there is a list somewhere of which lie a player typically uses. I doubt such a thing exists, but doesnt hurt to ask... :huh:

I did try to do a site search as well as a google search and didnt come up with much....thanks.

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The lie is not listed anywhere on pro stocks, try contacting the lister to see if they can try to feel it out for you (Obviously not 100% accurate, but probably better than guessing)

I normally do that for my customers, and relate everything to Easton lies, as I find them to be the most accurate. Haven't had a complaint with my method yet.

It is safe to assume that the H-# patterns are the same lie as their retail counterparts

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Thanks for the reply Josh. I kind of figured that would be the case. That is one really nice thing about buying a stick through an outlet like yours, people such as yourself who are knowledgeable and wanting to help. Asking an Ebay seller a question is a crapshoot.

Since I like the easton heatley curve, I bought a couple of pro stock heatleys and they were true to the retail lie although the curves were quite a bit different, almost Datsuk-like but with the easton 5 lie.

I see quite a few of these pro stock sticks out there on the interweb at decent prices, but I'm leery of spending a bunch of money for a stick that doesnt fit me. If only I had the skill to match my taste in sticks.. :rolleyes:

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There is no industry standard to measuring lie and I never trust what is stamped on the sticks. When i'm buying a new stick I always bring in one of my existing ones to compare the lie.

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