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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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No wheel backpack style gear bag?

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Anyone have experience with the backpack style gear bags? I'm kinda sick of carrying the duffel style but it is easy to get my gear into.

I'm not sure why so many backpack bags seem to come with wheels but I'm pretty sure a no wheels model would be best.

So any input, thoughts, theories, pictures of gear loaded up?

Oh edit to add. I'm an adult who wears mostly medium sized gear but I have giant skates.

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All of us retailers should have a section of backpack bags with no wheels.

I really like the Reebok 8K and the Alkali RPD Max bags for quality

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I used to use one. It's not difficult to get your gear in, but I didn't like using skate pockets. But that's just me

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I used to have one and it wasn't convenient for my ice gear at all. The backpack style bags are better suited for roller hockey where the pants aren't as bulky and you don't need to carry shoulder pads.

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Fair enough. I am trying to envision jamming my pants and shoulders into that compartment and it just doesn't seem like there would be a lot of space.

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