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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Holiday Shopping

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What has everybody bought/made for others so far?

So far, I've gotten a few small things for friends- a Bob Marley poster for a chick a know and a Fox Racing belt for this dude that I'm real good friends with.

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G/f - Roots sweats and sweater. Ferraro Roche's. Prolly take'er out too.

Dad - Running shorts, running socks

Mom - weights (5lbs curl bars), leather gloves

Sis 1 - (17 years old) Family guy season 1 & 2 DVD. Going to get a big thing of Kernels to go with the movie (me and the misses split on it)

Sis 2 - (30 years old) - Lenny Kravits greatest hits, melon baller, whisk

Brother in-law - Shirt/ tie combo maroon

G/fs brothers - (we split) Shrek 2 DVD and Falcons hat

G/fs parents - Movie night famous players gift certificates

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Mom-A huge basket of stuff from Bath & Body Works

Dad- Throw back John Elway Jersey

Older brother- Custom European BMW license plates

Younger brother- Call of duty: Finest hour

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Mom-roller for her hair

Dad-The flip plate thing you use with shake and bake

Brother-Gift Card at an art store

Godparents-Drink book

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