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Does Bauer 4500 vent better than 2100?

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I am currently using a Bauer 2100 for adult rec hockey. It is comfortable, but I sweat profusely once I start skating. Does the 4500 vent any better? Then vent holes looked about the same between the two. I have heard others saying that the 2100 does not breath well also, so I don't think its just me.

I am looking for the best protection and comfort in the $100 range.

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If you want ventilation, in the $100 range, check out the Mission Inhaler. Amazing ventilation, and protection is comparable to the Bauer helmets you're discussing, if not better.

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I've briefly used the Bauer 2100, and used the 4500 more, and would say the 4500 is better.

However, at the $100 range I would suggest the Easton E600 helmet, which is much lighter and breaths extremely well. It is also very crush resistant, whether that means better protection or not is up for debate. As well, it comes with excellent plush padding that absorbs most sweat (I play ball hockey) and is extremely comfortable.

In the end, you will get many people saying to go with the 4500 because it's a classic and all (which I agree with), but keep in mind it is a design from over 20 years ago. A newer helmet such as the E600 may (and probably will) have better ventilation, comfort, and most importantly protection.

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I actually decided to spend a little extra money a bought a CCM Res 300. It was comfortable, and the vents in the front seemed like they would do a good job. I ended up with a large, although my Bauer was a medium. I guess I will find out how well it vents in the next couple of days.

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