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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sorry if there's an faq that would answer this, but I haven't found one.

I've worn out my Easton eq5s, and I'm looking for a replacement. There's no shop with a useful stock of skates where I live, so I'll have to buy online.

My level of play isn't that high, I'm close to 50 and only playing 3 times a week. What I want is a comfortable boot with nice protection. I've liked the eq5, although the boot was a little too tight midfoot (around the arch).

Anyway, I've been checking out hockeymonkeys clearance skates, and I'm considering Bauer Nexus 800, Easton Stealth RS and CCM U+ CL.

Are any of those skates narrower than my old eq5? My EQ5 size is 11.0/D.

Any reason I should prefer or rule out any of those skates? I have the impression the Nexus is a more comfortable skate than the others, but that may not be quite true :)

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