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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sher-Wood T120 - Puck_It

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Stick testing: Sherwood T120
Lie: 5.0
Flex: 75
Grip? : Yes
Curve: Trouba PP92 (similar to Bauer P92)

About Me


130 lbs
28 yo
I usually have played two nights a week, defense in one league and forward in another. Currently right now I'm in one night a week for this season. Level of play i would say a high level C, or B/C.. I picked the game up at age 18.

Sticks used recently

Warrior QR1

Warrior DT2

Warrior Widow

Miken (i dont remember what their high end stick name was)

i've also demo'ed just about everything under the sun that has come out in the last 4 years, thanks to the Summer Jam and Winter Fest events.

First impressions:

I'm a short player, so typically i cut a significant length off of any stick I buy. As a result i think the balance of the stick suffered a bit. This happens occasionally for people my height, and its difficult for a manufacturer to maintain optimal balance across all stick lengths, every cut shifts the distribution (i cant fault sherwood for this, the stick felt nice when it was uncut). Sher-wood has played it fairly safe with their graphics, they stay away from being overt, and in your face. The simplicity is nice, and serves the stick well. The shaft dimensions are a bit squarer than I prefer, but the corners do not feel overly obtrusive.

I was pretty excited to take to the ice with this stick, i had always been curious what sherwood has had to offer. Their sticks have always been visually appealing, and felt great on the store rack.

My first ice time was rather frustrating, the blade felt absolutely flat. I know balde feel is very preferential--i prefer a slightly hotter blade face than most--but the stick initially felt like a delaminated wood blade. I got pretty frustrated, and held off on writing my first posting because i wanted to get to the bottom of what was going on, or just reset and try again. the three successive ice times after that, the blade felt much better when handling the puck. It is a very damped blade, but i think my immediate impression was overly harsh.

The T-120 is not the most forgiving stick i've used recently in terms of slapshot hand placement, some sticks like the stx stallion, bauer nexus, and warrior QR1 have allowed me to turn garbage shots into something workable. I'm trying to find what is the most optimal still, I hope to get out to a stick/puck session soon and get in plenty of shot with the T-120. When i've gotten off cleaner shots, the stick allows you to maintain a flat, 1.5' shot off the ice trajectory. Some products exaggerate a sling shot effect, in my opinion, and make it difficult to keep lower. I prefer the low flat shots when i play defense.

The last early comment i have is targeted to the short players like myself... if you use senior 75 flex sticks, the Sher-wood T-120 plays a bit stiffer than I'm used to. I cut mine into the +10 flex mark on the shaft.

I think with the price point sher-wood is targeting with the T-120, they're putting out a well-made, solid performer. I'm not sure it would compete with the next price point up, but spending that money is not in everyone's budget. The one item of focus i think could be a decision point for a potential buyer would be blade feel. If you dont like damped blades, and prefer a blade thats a little 'touchy', this may not be the product for you. However, i know theres a large market for players who dislike the touchiness of modern composites.

Lastly, thank you to sherwood for providing me with the opportunity to review their product.

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