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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Superfeet or profile blade?

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Skating on Supreme 190's with a +2 pitch. Used stock insoles up until today when I skated with superfeet yellows. What I like a out the stocks is I felt nice and low and deep in my skates. What I liked about the yellows is that I definitely felt more in alignment with hip/knee/ankle. So they're as advertised on that aspect. Also felt more power and direct force on strides. Ditto there too.

What I couldn't figure out though is if I was sitting a bit higher in my skates, since the yellows are supposed to raise your heel by 2 or 3 mm's. I didn't notice any different placement of my ankle in it being higher, but can't say for sure.

So here's my question - if I dial the pitch back to a +1 will that even it out with the superfeet adding pitch? In other words will I be basically back to where I was with a stock insole and +2? I liked that feel, but don't want to end up being the equivalent of a +3 or +4 if I keep the +2 profile and use the superfeet.

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