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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Something flashes on my screen

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Everyone once in awhile this window/box thing flashes up on my screen for an instant then disappears. I think its mostly grey, like a error window or something, but it seems pretty big. More big vertically then horizontally. Then it disappears instantly before I can read or even see if it has words on it. It doesnt matter what I'm doing, when I'm surfing the net, using AIM, or the computers just sitting there with noone using it. Anyone got idea on what it is, how to rid myself of it? I've run ad aware and spybot and to no avail.

Windows XP , btw.

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Might be but it looks like its the same size thing everytime and it always seems to be mostly grey. So if its the same thing everytime, does that mean I have a spyware or something?

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I had a virus that would send popups all the time and the spyware and adware couldnt find it. We had to reformat the pc. I think it was a torjan type virus, so your pc cant find it when you run programs to find it, but it is in there and it sends out popups or whatever the case may be.

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