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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Hundreds of hockey shafts for sale

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1000x1000.jpgI have hundreds of hockey shafts that i am trying to sell.

All these shafts are from broken one piece sticks but are or will be able to take blades with a little trimming

If you have any questions about them please shoot me a direct message

I have the ones in the picture and many many more so if you want pictures of any of them just let me know!

All shafts are $35

Shipping is free to the USA

and $10 per shaft anywhere else worldwide! (i can combine shipping on orders)

If you want 20% your order just let me know i can give you a deal!

Please note*** I have many more shafts than the ones listed below, this is just all that i could fit on the page haha

So if you are looking for something in particular just sent me a message!


475 - warrior Dynasty AX1st - grip - 100 flex - 49.5"
476 - warrior covert Dt1st - grip - 100 flex - 56"
477 - reebok 10k - 51" - grip - 100 flex
478 - Easton s19 - 100 flex - 52" - non grip
479 - warrior dolomite - 44" - non grip
480 - warrior AK27 - grip - 95 flex - 52.5"
481 - warrior dolomite dragon - 85 flex - 54.5" - non grip
482 - warrior widow - 85 flex - 50" - non grip
483 - warrior ak27 - 46" - 95 flex - grip
484 - warrior ak27 - 54.5" - 95 flex - grip
485 - Combat Pure - non grip - 80 flex - 50"
486 - Combat Pure - non grip - 100 flex - 53.5"
487 - Combat Pure - non grip - 80 flex - 55"
488 - Easton se16 - grip - 85 flex - 52.5"
489 - Easton se16 - grip - 85 flex - 54"
490 - Easton se16 - grip - 85 flex - 53"
491 - Easton se16 - grip - 85 flex - 51"
492 - Easton se16 - grip - 85 flex - 52.5"
493 - Easton se16 - grip - 85 flex - 55"
494 - Easton se16 - grip - 85 flex - 52.5"
495 - Easton se16 - grip - 100 flex - 52.5"
496 - Easton se16 - non grip - 100 flex - 55"
497 - Easton se16 - non grip - 100 flex - 54"
498 - Easton se16 - non grip - 100 flex - 54"
499 - Easton se16 - non grip - 100 flex - 55"
500 - Easton se16 - non grip - 100 flex - 55"
528 - CCM RBZ stage 2 - grip - 85 flex - 54"
529 - CCM RBZ stage 2 - grip - 85 flex - 55"
530 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 65" - 53"
531 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 65 flex - 53"
532 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 75 flex - 53"
533 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 75 flex - 49.5"
534 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 54.5"
535 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 54"
536 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 54"
537 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 49"
538 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 53.5"
539 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 53.5"
540 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 56"
541 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 56"
542 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 54"
543 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 54.5"
544 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 85 flex - 55.5"
545 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 100 flex - 55"
546 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 110 flex - 56"
547 - CCM RBZ SuperFast - grip - 110 flex - 55"
548 - CCM Tacks - grip - 85 flex - 52"
549 - CCM Tacks - grip - 85 flex - 51"
550 - CCM Tacks - grip - 85 flex - 51"
551 - CCM Tacks - grip - 85 flex - 51"
552 - CCM Tacks - grip - 85 flex - 53.5"
554 - CCM Tacks - grip - 85 flex - 54"
555 - CCM Tacks - grip - 85 flex - 52"
556 - CCM Tacks - grip - 85 flex - 52"
557 - CCM Tacks - grip - 100 flex - 55"
558 - CCM Tacks - grip - 100 flex - 52"
559 - reebok ribcor - 65 flex - grip - 48"
560 - CCM reebok ribcor 40k - grip - 75 flex - 55"
561 - CCM reebok ribcor 40k - grip - 85 flex - 56"
562 - CCM reebok ribcor 40k - grip - 85 flex - 57"
563 - reebok ribcor - 85 flex - grip - 53"
564 - reebok ribcor - 85 flex - grip - 53"
565 - reebok ribcor - 85 flex - grip - 51"
566 - reebok ribcor - 85 flex - grip - 52"

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