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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Justin Liedloff

Southern California: Anaheim ICE: Bronze North

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Dirty Mike and the Boys are looking for some skaters! We have (4) full time spots open for the "spring" season at Anaheim Ice in the Bronze North division.

I'll be honest from the start, we're not the best team in the league. We have had a couple rough seasons with games where we have been very shorthanded and have struggled with consistent attendance. We lack scoring and consistency, because we never seem to have the same lineup, and can’t develop any chemistry.

We have a GREAT group of guys that have a blast and are looking for people who want to be a part of the family for the long haul. We have been together for 15+ years and are are looking for players that will skate hard on both sides of the redline, be a great fit in the locker room and show up regularly.

We’re looking for players who are interested in finding a long term home. We are NOT interested in players who are looking to miss every other game during snowboard season, squeeze every second of ice time they can (when they show up), worry about who has more goals or points, or be constantly involved in shenanigans and goonery. If that’s your style, this isn’t the right club for you.

If you're interested, we would love to meet you and even try and get you to play a game with us. We do a team payment and will be paying roughly $450 each before the season begins. We do not do the payment plan as it’s more expensive. We have spare jerseys for new players, and if you like the team, and decide you want to stay on long term, we can get one with your preferred number made at a good price.

I apologize for the length of the post, but we take our locker room seriously, and like to put all of our cards on the table.

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