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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM Hyperglide runner stock pitch and radius

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Hey all, last time I got my skates sharpened I tried out an 11ft neutral radius on my spare set of runners, and after a few weeks of skating on them I went back to my stock runners and found I liked them much better, so I want to get the spare set back to how they originally were, but I can't seem to find the specs for exactly what that is. Does anyone know what the stock pitch and radius is, and does it matter if they came with Tacks vs RBZ's (I have Tacks)

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CCM are a 10 foot radius. As for the pitch well that can hard considering every runner/blade is different right from the factory. That actual part of the blade that touches the ice will be different on each of your skates!!! Bauer CCM it doesn't matter. Some will be closer than others but I'm not sure you'll ever find the same pitch on your left and right skate!!! Quality control would probably pretty expensive to resolve the issues. Just had 2 guys come in with bent blades on their brand new 1x Bauer's!! Factory issues!!!

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