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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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CCM RBZ Skates 2014 model

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So what do you guys who have had them for a year now think of them, some reviews say they are good and some say that they fall apart (eyelets). any opinions would be helpful.

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My skates have held up okay to this point, I bought them in November of 2014. I have heard about the eyelet problem, so I check those out after each skate. I will say mine are starting to crack, but not enough to cut a lace at this point. If you are interested in the skate and fit you well I would definitely pull the trigger on these at their current cost. Eyelets are inexpensive to replace in the scheme of things.

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I've had my RBZ 90's for about 6 months so far and played about 1 season rec league on them. Love them so far except I have had issues with the top eyelets on each skate cracking thus cutting my laces. I took the skates to a local shoe repair guy and he put in some better eyelets and that fixed the issue for me. Now they are perfect.

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I bought a pair in Feb 2015, had to warranty them in July as the boot cracked where the heel met the sole on the inside of the foot. To CCMs credit they replaced them even though they were out of warranty no questions asked. I really like the skates and play at least twice a week. I would recommend switching to step or some other steel as the stock runners wouldn't hold an edge.

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