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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Minnesota Hockey Leagues?

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So I recently graduated high school this past May. I am attending community college right now to get my general courses done. I plan on transferring to a 4 Year in the next year or so and will play club hockey there. But for now I have no where to play. Does anyone know of any leagues or teams that are around the metro area? I would say I'm a more advanced player, I played varsity my Junior and Senior year. I'd like to play on a more competitive team.

Also I know there are Junior teams and such and I considered maybe trying out next year. Would that be a good idea? I don't know how much of a jump in pace and skill from a High School to a Tier III Junior team.

So are there any fellow Minnesotans out there that have any ideas for me? I would greatly appreciate it :smile:

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