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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Stick ideas?

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I currently have a bauer vapor x700 with a kane curve. Its a great stick but its become to short. Im 15 yrs old about 5'9 and weigh 135 pounds. The stick i have is intermediate so its 57 inches tall and 67 flex and thats just a few inches to short im looking for like 60 to 61 inches. Im also thinking about looking for a different curve, I like the kane curve but it just looks a little a little weird of a curve. I think I need a senior stick but something that has a right flex for me...any suggestions?

Im lefty by the way and I play left wing

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If you feel like the 67 flex works for you, I would just get an extension plug to make the stick longer. If the flex feels soft you could try moving up to a senior 75 flex, but given your weight that might be too stiff. As for curves, it's really a personal preference. With practice you should be able to make any curve work for you, just make sure have the right lie. For example I use W01 and W28 curves (Warriors equivalent of Bauers PM9 Stamkos and P28 Giroux) which are very different curves but are pretty much the same lie so it's relatively easy to adjust between the two.

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