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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Camaraderie in beer league hockey

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I'm in my early 30's and it's been almost a decade since I've been in the beer league. I've been on the same team with a core group of about 7-8 guys that started the team together when a new rink opened up. We have a very tight group and over the past 3-4 years we've had less than a handful of new players. My team is pretty much a bunch of alcoholics, we usually have 108 beers after games(beer fee collected as part of fee) and one point things got out of hand where a keg was more economical to bring. When I was in college I thought that would be the height of my consumption. Fooled me. Most of my awesome experiences as an adult involve my team. Things you may be able to look forward to:

-Lots of hockey weddings, tournaments, and random trips.

-Seeing teammates a few times a week outside of hockey. Obviously to rage.

-Sharing puck bunnies

-Having some as roommates. Non-hockey roommates just don't get the concept of gear and the smell in your apt.

-Working with each other on projects/jobs

-Winging for a teammate and plowing undesirable hole

-Getting help with moving/renovations in exchange for alcohol

-Finding out that when in need, the hockey community will try and help you the best it can.

While my primary team is all 25-33 with 2 out layers, there is one very insightful thing I've taken away from the vetty players whom I skate with on occasion. For 99% of people, your life is not special or will it be significant. Being able to have friends that are 20+ years older than you gives you access to "wisdom" and "experience" that you otherwise would never have gained had it not been for hockey. Chances are you're going to end up in one of these old guy's shoes and the highlight of your life in the future will be getting on the ice and crushing beers afterwards.

You can't chose your family, but in this case you can. Beer league is an excuse to get drunk and/or other. Don't play on a team for the sake of hockey, it really is all about camaraderie. It's a lot better to lose a game with your friends than it is to win with a bunch of douches that get undressed faster than the time it takes you to get your first sip of beer down.

This is brilliant. I'm 28yo, captain of my team, and my two oldest(58, 56) are my go-to. I've played with them for about 10 years and they KNOW what it takes to build a team. They know I have the org skills, but they one up with the old man talks, beers when no one else can, etc. We went 0-11 in summer league to now being 26-5 in winter season.. essentially the same group, just more camaraderie. :)

None of ours do, but nobody gives us grief as long as you pack out your empties. Meaning nothing goes in the trash, but in your bags.

We grab a trash bag before the game. Bring the beer, take the empties is the policy.

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