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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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How do I precisely measure stick lie?

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I'm new to mod-squad and have a stick lie related question <I hope this is the right place to post this>. Was wondering if someone could tell me how to precisely measure stick lie or true lie <step by step - what tools I'd need....protractor...where (at what points of the blade) and how to measure...etc??>

Anyway....the reason that I want to do this is - for a number of years I've been using an older/obscure pro-stock blade pattern <CCM Freddie Myers of the Philadelphia Flyers>. I had about 15 of these blades that have lasted me over 8 years. Just recently I broke my last one and I cant seem to find anything in stores to replace it <I think the blade has an uncommon set of specs>. I'd like to try to match it up as best as possible by looking for something online <online has a much wider selection>.

I cant seem to adjust to the more common blade patterns that are found in most shops. I don't think this has anything to do with blade curve - but more to do with lie - length and rocker. Once I find out the blades exact lie I should be able to come pretty close to matching it up with a suitable replacement.

<Link to picture of blade is below....I tried to attach it the normal way using the forum image tool but it wont work>



(How do I precisely measure stick lie or true lie?)

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