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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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replacement LS2 Steel fitment

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Hoping someone can help me, I searched for a similar topic but I did not find anything. Probably because it is a dumb question. So I have skated in One 95's since new. They are a great skate and I couldn't get myself to get rid of them.

About a year ago my son grew out of a pair of One.8's. They have been sitting on the shelf, I forgot they were there. Tonight on while packing my gear for a skate I saw them sitting there. sharpene4d them up and skated on them. Nice boot but the steel is basically gone and the radius is messed up for me. I feel like I am on my heels.

So the One.8's have 280 LS2 steel, my one 95's have relatively new 272 LS2 steel. The 272 has a very comfortable radius for me. I want to use the one.8's but need to know if I can use the 272 in the 280 holder.....Like I said dumb question but thought I would ask because the 272 is nearly brand new. thanks

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