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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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6th Annual Dawg Bowl

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June 23-26th at the Edge Ice Arena in Littleton Colorado, the Dawg Nation Hockey Foundation will be hosting its 6th annual Dawg Bowl adult tournament.  The silent auction throughout the weekend will include everything from high end vacation rentals and private flights to Aspen to signed NHL memorabilia to t-shirts, sticks, and gloves.  I've recruited a few teammates to build hockey stick chairs that will be a part of the auction, as well.


Throughout the family-friendly weekend, there will be live music, great food, and appearances by Avalanche mascot Bernie.  The Dawg Nation Loan Rangers is a team in the top division consisting exclusively of current/ex professional hockey players. The Rangers are a must see with the likes of Ken Klee, Sean Zimmerman, Brett Clark, and Darryl Bootland just to name a few.


Of particular note is the Survivor Game, Saturday 6/25 at 3:15pm.  The Survivor Game features players and referees who have survived cancer or other catastrophic illness or injury.  This year, we will feature a tribute to Oliver Butch Mousseau and his family.



For more information, please visit:





And here's some information on DNHF:

The Dawg Nation Hockey Foundation exists for one reason, to help adult hockey players and their families in times of crises due to catastrophic injury or illness. In January of 2011, a small group of adult recreation league hockey players decided to start the Foundation.  What started as an idea to honor a fallen friend and “make a difference” has blossomed into an important resource for families in need.

Since its inception the Foundation has generated over a $1,000,000. A remarkable feat for an organization not even five years old. More importantly, we have been able to positively impact the lives of many.  For the weekend warrior recovering from a nasty injury or a family dealing with a serious illness, Dawg Nation has provided resources and amazing acts of human kindness that have not only changed the lives of our recipients, but also our volunteers at the same time.


It has been an amazing journey so far, and absolutely could not have occurred without the countless volunteer hours of many, and the incredible generosity of many more.

If you haven’t had a chance yet, please take a few minutes to check out our “Giving Back” page. Our recipients are a very diverse group of men and women, and they’re young and not so young. But what they all have in common is that they’re part of our hockey community, and they’ve gone through a difficult period of their lives. Dawg Nation exists to help these people.

Our work has really just begun! We’re picking up steam- more and more people are hearing about us, and are asking how they can join our great cause.


A huge “thank you” to all of you that have made all this possible.  You have made and continue to make the world a better place.


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