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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sherwood t120 vs warrior hd pro

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At the same price, what is the best choice? I'm a big fan of warrior in general, but I have read awfull reviews concerning the hd pro durability. Is it that bad? 

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I've got an HD Pro currently. I like it so far! 


the only downside so far that I have with it is that the blade feels a bit "dull" when puck handling.


If you need a stick that is longer than the standard 60", then the HD Pro is your best bet, you can get a 75 flex, 85 flex, or 100 flex in a 63" stick with the HD pro.


I want to give the T120 a try myself though once I need another stick to try it out. Sherwood always has been a great performing stick for the price. Especially their top end offerings only being $200 when new. I had the VSRF.2 blade on my EK60 that I used to have and I didn't have any complaints about that blade when I was using it.

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