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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Asking a girl to prom

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Lightning, yes, it seems to me that whenever I give her my attention and try to spend time with her and stuff she could care less, but as soon as I dont give her all my attention when I'm around her she starts asking questions and stuff.  Today in school I went in late so I didnt see her except for one time all day and when I did I just said hi as I walked past, needless to say when I got home low and behold on the internet she starts asking why i barely looked at her and only said hi.  To make it even better while I Was still driving home I got a call from her on my cell which I didnt answer and a voicemail saying to call her back and stuff.  I didnt call back and of course she started asking why I didnt call her back either.  Its like, I have no clue what she wants me to do or be and its hard for me to be one or the other.

i tried doing the ignoring game for a while and it seemed to work for a while. I went 3 days not talking with her and then eventually she wrote me this letter telling me why i wasnt talking and that she couldnt take it me not talking to her. But then like a week later she barely said a word.

seems like she played the ignoring game right back at you.

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Man, I'm glad I'm married....all these tales are bringing back bad memories of HS.

Seems as though the more you pursue, the more she backs away. But i agree with the others...if she's still seeing the ex for casual get togethers like dinner and such, she hasn't let go, which kinda leaves you as a fallback on the side. I hope I'm wrong...

Good luck to you!

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