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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Quad Zero profile

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Got new steel yesterday and was talked into a quad Zero profile. I was curious to try it . I have been skating on 5/8 for the past 6 weeks and have liked it. Tried the new set up last night and found with the extra steel on the ice even at 5/8 there was way too much bite. My question is if I keep the profile what hollow should I try to replicate the 5/8 of the old standard 9ft radius ?


I do like the feeling of having steel under my heel and toe. It's just going to take an adjustment period. I for sure  sure do not like the extra grip it provided though.  


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Quad zero is still 9' profile. It just reduces rocker towards the rear of the blade (kind of like a figure skate), so you get more blade during glide and more stability. You might want give this a little bit more time. If not, try 3/4... but that exercise will eat a noticeable amount of your new steel.

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5/8" on that radius felt like more bite then 1/2" I read somewhere online yesterday that you should go shallower with a quad radius. Was just wondering if there is a guideline to start with.  I have 4 skates this weekend but I don't think skating more will get me used to the bite . I was loving the feeling of 5/8" after skating in 1/2" for as long as I remember . 

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