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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Blade done or just mental?

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I bought my iginla si-core blade about 4 months ago and up until a week ago I loved it. My shots were hard, straight, and most importantly accurate. However, the last 2 times I've went out to practice and a game later the blade seems dead! The blade still looks pretty new with no cracks, ect. but my shots (all of them) are rolling and changing directions more often that not. I don't have a lot of experience with composite blades but do they gradually lose flex and become as dead as wood blades? The blade also seems to have curved a bit more. Is this just a mental problem or do these things break down? Thanks!

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Try and bend it in your hands, I've found this can happen with composite blades. Mine usually break before this happens, but I've done it with a blade or two and found after making it into a shaft it was definately my problem.

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My Synthesis blades (essentially tapered Z-Carbons) have all cracked on the backhand side of the blade around the heel. It wasn't obvious as I have it taped up. I knew there was a problem when I tried stickhandling and the blade felt like mush.

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Yeah it's quite odd and very annoying. I don't tape my blades and nothing looks wrong with it. Before, I could launch the puck without much effort but it seems like I now have to hit it just right for it to fly straight. Some of my friends seem to think it's mental as my snapper was great today but slapshot remains crap.

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