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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Sprained Ankle..

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Guest Fletch
UPDATE: hehehe.. walking on it and stuff.. but when on tippy toes slight pain in muscle? tendon? think it's cause of the stiffness.. no moved in a month.. lol.. anyways my question is when does the swelling completely go away? lol.. I mean it's very minimal but damn it's been a month! lol.. all in all I stil haven't gotten an xray.. lol.. color is almost gone (cept for toes). Just still swollen right at the point in which I think I twisted it. Think I should wait for another month to start skating? lol


My swelling is still there (a little, anyway) and it's been over a month for me. I tweaked it last night playing pick up but today it feels better.

I may be getting eye surgery at the end of the month, so I probably won't be able to be on skates for 3 weeks or so.....hopefully my ankle will fully heal by then too.

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