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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Girdle: SuperTacks Reebok 9k or Tackla Breezer ProZone

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I have had all three. The 9K is pretty much the standard for all girdles but is a little bulkier and heavier than the others. Super Tacks is amazing, very adjustable and protective. The Tackla is very nice but not as durable as the others. The mesh seems to wear pretty quickly and I had to reinforce some areas on mine to prevent it from tearing. 

Have you considered the Warrior QRE Girdle? Ive been using that and love it. 

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Ah wow very interesting!!
I was thinking about 9k because i read that many players in nhl had those pants... I play in a  hitting league... means i get a lot of hits... so good protection is important for me...
I want great mobility and lightness ... too -> so i was thinking about super tacks or tackla...

How is the protction level at the warrior girdle? Doesnt seem to be as good as supertacks?
Is it possible to adjust the thigh protectors? If not - didnt u miss it?
Why didn t u stay by supertacks?
Thx u ! so much!





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