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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Zuperior - Vulcan7905

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Steel - Tydan 280
Hollow - 90/75 FBV
About Me - I started skating at the age of 10, played for three years and stopped at age 13. I then picked it back up again at about age 27. Of course, I can skate, But I've always have had troubled with crossovers. I can do them, but no confidently which is why Im hoping I can find a right peofile for then to keep me more stable. 
Review - With this profile, it had a good glide and an OK push off. Yet. When I wanted to crossover, it felt like I was about to fall wgen doing so. I tried them for about half an hour and switched back to my stock 10' radius. Was not a fan at all with this one. 
Mobility - 1
Stability - 1
Speed - 2
Acceleration - 3
* After testing more profiles, this could possibly change if I feel I judged it poorly. 


The profiles I will add a review next are 

Quad 1


The Profile I am  currently testing and using is

Quad 1


The other profile I have yet to test is


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