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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
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Profile - 9'/10'

Steel – Tydan 280

Hollow – 1/2


About Me – I started skating when i was 7, switched to goalie when i was 13 and only skated in goalie skates for the next 30 years even when i was coaching, decided to start playing out as well as goal 4 years and invested in player skates. I try to use my player skates as much as i can when coaching now (even though i coach goalies) to get more used to them. I wanted to try profiling because i felt that i had better grip when accelerating with my goalie skates vs player skates.


Review - This is a brand new set of Tydan steel that I've been trying the last few games I've played.  I would say that I like this profile better than my stock LS2 9' profile. Mobility and stability seem to be better as my base feels better with this steel, verdict still out on acceleration and speed, but overall the Tydans feel great and are an worthwhile upgrade over the LS2's.


Acceleration - ?

Mobility - 4

Stability – 4

Speed – ?

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