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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble

12' -McJesus

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-Hollow: 7/8”

-About Me:  I’ve played hockey for 20 years and coached for 10 years.  I used to consider myself a powerful skater, but recently started to work on my smoothness due to getting older/weaker/tired .  With that, I feel like I can offer some good points to consider depending on what type of skater you are.  If you are a powerful, choppy, hardworking player, then you’ll most like profiles that cater and supports those characteristics.  If you are a smooth, tension free, and efficient skater, then I would think you would prefer a certain set of profiles.  Picture yourself in a game chasing down a puck.  Do you grit your teeth and bear down, tighten up, get set, and PUSH off as hard as possible?  Or do you stay loose, stay relaxed, and use the whole blade to get going?  Do you push in linear 45-degree strides, or do you land on a edge and let the skate collapse out?  I wouldn’t advocate either being a power skater or efficient skater.  But I think your style is really going to dictate your preference.  Mobility, Stability, Speed, and Acceleration are going to be perceived differently IMO depending on your style.  My ratings will be based on my personal preferences and effort to be smoother.  I’ll note in my reviews how I think the profiles would feel to different types of skaters.

-Mobility:  3

-Stability:  3

-Speed:  3

-Acceleration:  3

-Review:  This was the first profile I tested.  I don’t think anything really stood out to me too much.  Mobility wise I could turn while having pressure on the heel or toe.  I felt very comfortable accelerating out of 10-2 position or on an outside edge.  I didn’t feel the toe catching or slipping on crossovers.  Top end speed was decent, but I wasn’t any faster.  Stability wise when skating or even along the boards, you just had to widen your base and stay moving.  I didn’t feel like I would get bumped or knocked off the puck etc.  This isn’t to crazy from a stock profile a pair of skates.  I think I would prefer maybe an 11’ to this in many ways.

Profiles tested:


Profiles to test:


Quad 2


Zuperior M

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12' is good for big open ice and for those players with powerful legs who like to glide/coast. I think the main thing I have noticed with a 12' is it takes a lot more energy and work to get those first 1-4 strides underneath you. After that it feels decently nice, but the lack of mobility and agility will make it hard to use the profile effectively on anything smaller than olympic ice. 

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