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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Remember My Broken Thumb

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Some of you guy's remember my broken thumb incident.


Anyway, the story goes on and on. For the update, we had to take a lawyer and we sent them a letter demanding the amount of 3000$ for injuries, lost salary, the deplacements we had to take a lawyer. The guy who broke my thumb is now at the Police Academy. We(me,my mother and lawyer) got an answer from them asking questions about the incident (questions that were answered when they came over here a week after the incident). They said that they have no recolection about the incident and that they don't wanna pay me, and that he doesn't remember me saying anything about beeing hurt during the night it happened stating that I wasn't complaining(but how can a guy feel any pain when first I was a bit woozy because we were going out and second I had never had anything broken before that, so I didn't know what the pain was supposed to be). We went to the small case court and had papers delivered to them stating that we will meet them in court and asking when they would be available to do so. They answered back today saying that they will see us in court in about 2 months because he is at the academy, that they don't remember anything about the claimed incident and they are now asking us to pay THEM money for the hours their lawyer spent on the case (remember that they contacted their lawyer wayyy before us. We wanted to settle it in a friendly way because I didn't want to bother his career and they, after they called me a friend for thinking about his future, went to see a lawyer to take care of his case.) Anyway we will have to go to court probably during the Easter vacations, we will now have to contact everyone who was there during the incident and the other guys who he tried the tricks on during the evening so that they talk about what happened during the evening. So alot of my other friends will be involved in the story cause if you receive papers to appear in court, you have to be there.

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