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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Some Tips

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im new here and new to the game of hockey.

I would appreciate if you guys had some tips n tricks for the hockeyplayers-skating like stopping balance and stuff.

maybe u have something like videos and/or other material.

thank y'all :ph34r:

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Hello and welcome :)

Just use search: type in the topic you're after (for example "skating", "wrist shot", "snap shot" "stickhandling" etc) there's been lots of threads covering many basic and advanced aspects of a particular technique... Good luck!

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i guess he just want to know like skating basics ;)

i tried the search (for a test) and i didnt get any usable thread :P

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Skating, skating and more skating... Find a powerskating program or local hockey school, there you will have someone who can point out your strengths and show you how to correct your weaker areas. By getting out and skating, playing shinny you will learn so much more and train the muscles. That being said a great book is Laura Stamm's Power Skating for techniques and excellent illustrations and explainations.

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Take powerskating lessons. Trust me on this one. It will be money well spent. Learning on your own or from videos can only take you so far. You'll probably develop bad habits as well. Skating is such an important skill in hockey so you'll want a professional teaching you the do's and dont's. Your skating will be much stronger and you'll enjoy the game much more when you're flying by guys.

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