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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Big tourney at Corona Rink Feb 12/13 Rinkrat WCC

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OK here we go, I told everyone that would listen 2 years ago that Rink Rat would change the way roller hockey is played and we have, with the hard work of many. Were now moving into another venture with hosting Tournaments in California with our good friends from Torhs.

Our first event will be held at the Corona rink in Corona California. The date is February 12th and 13th. The divisions will be Atom - Pro and it will be a great weekend for all hockey players and parents. Come to the event and see the vast array of Prizes consisting of CCM Skates, CCM Vector Sticks, Rink Rat Wheels and apparel, and much much more..

Gerry St.Cyr will be the tournament director for the event and Rink Rat will have our corporate booth set up. Below I have listed the Awards that will be given away at the event.....

*1st and 2nd place individual/team awards

*Player of the game after every game

*Opening Ceremonies


*All Torhs Team Selections

*Torhs MVP,MVD and MVG awards

*CCM Stick and Skate Giveaways

*Gerry St.Cyr Hockey School at every NICC final

There are a couple ways to register for this event, first you can go to the Torhs website and register online or email Gerry St.Cyr at gerrys37@sbcglobal.net, or call him at 714-308-5666

The entry fee for the event is $535.00

Again, I understand the amount of tourney series out there, what were doing is trying to better the game and open it up for more people and bring the fun back into the sport. Rink Rat is ready to take the sport to the next level, come join us!!!!

Michael Hunt

Rink Rat

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