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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Playing with a shoulder injury

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I've got 2 games this weekend and I'm a little banged up. My right shoulder is bad enough that I can't shoot backhands or really hit/recieve a hit with it. I'm planning on using a brace of some sort. Has anyone played with a shoulder brace and if you have how effective was it.

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The shoulder is a tough place to get injured and there is really no way to tape it up and I have not seen a decent brace. Have you had it checked out by a medical professional?

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I have seen shoulder braces that prevent that shoulder from moving past certain ranges but this is more to keep your shoulder from dislocating when it moved to a specific position. There is nothing I am aware that is like a knee brace for your shoulder.

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I have not been to the Doc, but I'll probably go if it does not get any better.

This is the first time I've ever had trouble with my shoulders though and I'm in college playing for our club team.

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I Seperated my right shoulder from my collar bone a few weeks ago and played with a brace, and it was terrible so i just sat for a few games until i could move my shoulder enough to take a slapshot again.

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