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Blademaster Mark 6 Profiling

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Who out there is using the Bladermaster Mark 6 contour system?  I'm looking for some insight on using the contour gauge after profiling and what should be expected.  When the profile has been completed on the steel and you check the gauge on the work is anyone seeing too much light in spots or is that normal?  Ex: A 9.5'-10.5' CRM bar (Win 1 equivalent) is applied then when checked on the gauge the heel and toe match tight but in the center there is a slight sliver of light passing through.  Is this because the 2 zones are different radii?  Or should the toe and heel be blended enough to make all the light gone?  

Has anyone used a Blademaster contour bar that is 3 zone similar to Prosharps Zuperior?  Can the Mark 6 bar produce a quad profile? 

I appreciate any and all information related to using Blademaster and Maximum Edge contouring style.

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