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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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changing curve

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Im sure you will all be glad to hear that i finally decided on a shaft and blade so you wont be hearing any more about that from me....but i got my wood R2 nash blade yesterday and im not exactly pleased. i was using a PTC nash blade and it had enough curve and was open enough for me, but the new blade has almost no curve or loft. is there anyway i could bend it to where i want it? if there is please give specific details on how. thanks

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Yea you can curve it. I've never done it, so I can't give specific details, but basically you just heat it up a lot, bend it to how you want it, then dip it in cold water and keep it there for a while.

If you are LH though, I would suggest getting 5 Sakic T-Flex blades on eBay. There is a guy who sells them in lots of 5 for $20 US, plus shipping. I got 5 of them and they are basically clones of the TPS Nash curve.

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clones of a nash? i have a sakic easton classic woodie and its a big heel curve..the 2 nash's i have are toe curves...the sakic is an older version though...i dunno if it has changed any recently.

would i heat the blade with a heat gun?

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My T-Flexes are basically clones of what I've seen TPS Nash's are. Most people use a torch to heat the blade. I'm sure a heat gun would work but would take longer.

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clones of a nash? i have a sakic easton classic woodie and its a big heel curve..the 2 nash's i have are toe curves...the sakic is an older version though...i dunno if it has changed any recently.

would i heat the blade with a heat gun?

most wood blades are different from graphite.

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