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Questions/Opinions Wanted on Smell and Gear

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Hello all,

Not sure if this is the correct sub-forum to ask this question, but as a casual fan [who knows little to nothing about the realities of playing hockey], stepping into an arena has always made me wonder why the arenas [sample size: 2] has that smell [of musty sweat. metal shavings/blood and sometimes piss], and I wonder if this is a consistent thing across all arenas...

So, I would love y'all input on the following questions and any stories that they bring up because I have to assume that there has to be an actual explanation other than "hockey players just stink because they're sweaty" [which thinking about it, if it were true, what makes hockey so different from other sports?]...

- Generally, what state do y'all keep and prefer your equipment? Is the goal that your pads/activewear is "clean"? [and another question, is like what is the threshold for an item being clean?]

     - Are there any considerations that go through your mind when washing and or taking care of gear?

            - Other than like Lysol-bombing the fuck out of a hockey bag and then airing it out, are there any special care instructions for different pieces?

            [As a note, I have to assume that a undershirt is easier to clean than a shinpad, how the fuck does that get laundered?]

     - In general, how hard is it to wash and or take care of gear? Have you had any trouble doing so (costs, machinery, time, etc)?

     - Do players tend to share equipment? [I can assume sticks and then gloves to a lesser degree but I wonder if there would ever be a situation where you'd allow someone to swap mouthguards?]

- What's the general consensus on smell? In the locker-room, in general life, on the ice? Are there differing expectations of "hygiene" between these spaces?

     - What's the threshold for a person to be "too smelly" that action should be taken?

          - Can I imagine that if it were to get too bad that someone's gear would be forcibly washed? [I.e. someone being dragged to the shower to be drenched]

     - Like would you say the stereotype of the absolute rank hockey bag is accurate?

          - What do you think about the stereotype? What does it exactly mean when equipment stinks?

- During play, have there been instances where you could smell the other skaters?

     - Is it possible to say that smell can be weaponized? [Can I interpret a smelly player to be conducting a psy-op against the opposing team even at the expense of their teammates?]

- On the record of piss, where does that come from?

     - Do some players just piss on the ice?

- Have you seen or perform any rituals related to equipment?

      [For context, I'm thinking of my good-luck hat that I avoid washing because it's been christened by Nylander's signature, are there any instances of stuff, related to this, occurring around you?]

Anyways, I'd appreciate y'alls insight into this topic. I hope to learn to understand/love the smell and avoid judging it, but, something just doesn't fit right in my head.


Wishing that you get "pucks deep, pucks in the net, and uh, win some hockey games,"


Edited by poly

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