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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble
Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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i saw this ad for a tflex really cheap in American Hockey magazine

it is $50 for a shaft and 6 blades and .99 cents for every blade after that

it is cyclone taylor

Do you think i should go for it?

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Really low. I've seen them as low as $100 and that was reduced by a fair amount. It's basically a Synthesis shaft, but a little shorter. Takes tapered blades. I thought Cyclones only had LH blades left though. I'm going out West in mid-february, I may have to load up on those T-flexes (If I can get a ride from either Kelowna or Edmonton).

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well, the T-Flex IS an older shaft. Take that as you will. Hell, as long as the you can handle the stiffness of it (100 flex) it should be okay. I personally have never tried it, I'm just going on what I've heard. However, you can think about it this way: what other stick can you buy for 50bucks? If you don't like your alternatives, then go with the T-Flex.

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