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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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Breaking in goalie gear in a hurry

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My friend has just had all of her goalie gear stolen, and needs to get new gear. She has just made the New Zealand women's rep team, and has some trainings coming up, and wants to compete for the starters position. The problem is that she doesn't have much time to break any new gear (which she is still sorting out).

So the question is, does anyone have any good advice for breaking in gear? I've already seen the post on breaking in the trapper, so advice on the rest of the gear is what I'm after.


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haha if there's one thing i do remember about irbe - it was that all his equipment looked like it had been through WWII and back - dunno if thats from running it over with a bus - or he had just used them forever

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I stuck my goalie glove under the couch for two days. And bent my leg pads into the S shape they would take, tied them down. it worked.

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Thanks for all the responses - my friend is off at a training camp this week, so I'll have to see how the break-in went! I passed on what you guys suggested, though I'm not sure which methods she used in the end.

Thanks again

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