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Slate Blackcurrant Watermelon Strawberry Orange Banana Apple Emerald Chocolate Marble


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adding feel to comp blades

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2 part question:

does putting duck tape on really increase feel for the puck or is it just mental?

how many layers and where do you guys put it on? just the sweet spot or all along the blade?


any difference between innovative pro return comp blades that has clear cloat and ones that doesnt have clear coat?

reason i ask is cus they look so different, and the one without it looks like the tps response blade i had before whicc i just couldn't play with b/c of the crappy feel of the balde

thanks guys

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Some people said the duct tape makes it feel better, why not try it? I think you put it on the "sweet spot". They also sell tape specifically for OPS, I know some people tryed it out.

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It doesn't really 'increase' feel. The duct tape is supposed to cushion some of the vibrations of one-piece sticks.

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